Most people start to feel better very quickly after they start Grounding. They adjust easily to the Earth's energy.

Those who are very sick with multiple symptoms may notice a dramatic difference, while someone in excellent health who sleeps soundly may not feel a significant change.

There are numerous good reasons to continue Grounding, even if you don't feel anything, according to biophysicist and Grounding expert James Oschman, Ph.D. "Grounding appears to slow the inevitable effects of aging and help prevent so-called 'diseases of aging,' which are all inflammatory conditions. A very healthy person may take antioxidants to stay healthy, but these must be absorbed and transported through the body. In contrast, Grounding seems to rapidly distribute antioxidant/anti-inflammatory effects everywhere in the body. The leading theory of aging is cumulative damage from free radicals causes aging. By neutralizing free radicals whenever and wherever they form, we believe Grounding can slow the damage and the aging process itself."

Grounding has the potential to restore, maintain, and promote better health. Its impact is both preventative and therapeutic. It represents an easy, natural lifestyle approach.

Why do some people feel worse after starting Grounding? What can be done about it?

Initially, Grounding may feel unusual for some. There might be tingling in the body, as when walking barefoot on wet sand or dewy grass. This tingling is likely due to improved circulation and adjusting to the Earth's energy. This should go away quickly.

Some people may initially feel flu-like symptoms such as malaise, achiness, headaches, brain fog, tiredness. Muscle cramps and a metallic taste in the mouth can also occur.

This suggests a healing process from Grounding improving blood flow, oxygenation, and electrical state. When the body is Grounded, circulation improves and the body finds itself ready to enter a detoxification state. The body then begins to break down damaged, unhealthy cells and tissues, which then have to get excreted by your body through sweat, urine, and faeces. This process usually results in the flu like symptoms described above. 

Better nerve function may lead to unfamiliar sensations. Grounding gives the body resources to normalize. Expending energy on this can cause initial fatigue prior to increased energy. These responses differ person to person, usually subsiding in a week or two.

A European study published in 2011 suggests that grounding affects thyroid function, specifically improving an underactive thyroid by increasing thyroid hormone levels. Some reported feeling palpitations, a common sign of excess thyroid hormone. If you are taking thyroid medication and start Grounding, be aware of the possibility for overmedicating. If that occurs, check with your prescriber about adjusting your medication level.

What can I do about it?

If the discomfort is too severe, stop night-time Grounding. Resume with short daytime sessions of 30-60 minutes. Slowly increase over a week or two to acclimate.

Stay hydrated to flush toxins. We find dehydration can impair Grounding.

Make sure you plug your GroundingWell product directly into your wall socket, and not a power extension board. We have found some third party powerboards to have improper wiring which could hinder the Grounding process.

If you still feel uncomfortable while using the Grounding product, try turning off the switch on the switchboard that is connected to the power outlet. Some users have felt better after doing this

If you have followed the above recommendations but are still experiencing discomfort, please email for assistance. We may be able to provide specific advice for your case, or send a free outlet tester to check if your home's wiring is properly grounded.

In summary: we all differ in lifestyles and responses. Grounding benefits may arrive smoothly or after initial discomfort. They could be quick and dramatic or gradual and subtle. Some won't feel benefits until increasing Grounding time. It's impossible to predict precisely how Grounding will unfold for you.